Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Same-Sex Marriage


  1. Give a basic history of marriage equality
  2. Discuss the arguments to/for marriage equality in MA, NY, WA, MD, NY, CA cases (as mentioned in Cox "A painful process...")
1993: Baehr v. Lewin -- HI marriage ase
1996: Defens of Marriage Act (DOMA) to stop the "tsunami of gay marriage coming over from HI" (Clinton signed into law)
1998: Baehr v. Miike (state loses at trial level)
1998: HI amends constitution to "give power to the legislature to regulate marriage"
1999: Baker v. State (Vermont supreme court rules all rights and benefits of marriage)
2000: VT becomes the first state to enact civil unions
2000: CA passes Proposition 22 (62% - 38%)
2003: Massachusetts, Goodridge decided 4-3 that the state doesn't even have a rational basis for denying marriage licenses to same-sex couples
2/12/2004: Mayor of San Francisco starts issuing marriage licenses for about 4 weeks (until CA supreme court tells them to stop)
2005: NJ case Lewis v. Harris (no marriage, but state must offer equal benefits to same-sex couples)
2005: Schwarzenegger vetoes marriage equality law, claiming that "the people have spoken" that they didn't want gay marriage
2005: CA comprehensive Domestic Partnership law goes into effect
2005: CT enacts civil unions
2006: NY case Hernandez v. Robles
2006: WA Andersen v. Icing County (this and previous: 4-3, upholding traditional marriage laws)
2006: MD Conaway v. Deane (same as previous, but maybe decision was 5-2
2008: CA in Remarriage cases (4-3, strikes down marriage laws) and CT Kerrigan v. Department of Public Health claims that civil unions aren't enough (4-3, marriage licenses to same-sex couples [immediately])
2008: Proposition 8 passes...
2009: Iowa varnum v. brien 7-0 in favor of marriage equality issues marriage licenses immediately
2009: VT, ME, NH, DC pass laws enacting marriage equality
2010: US district court rules Prop 8 violates the US Constitution, but it's still in effect kind of?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Marriage and Citizenship


  1. Introduce and discuss coverture concept
  2. Intersection of marriage rights and US citizenship
  3. Citizenship restrictions and marginalized groups (married women, non-white, LGBT, HIV, etc...)
Coverture: The (ancient) legal concept that on marriage, a woman becomes the property of her husband (see p. 83 of "Justice for All?"); she is subsumed
  • Find examples of modern echoes/vestiges of coverture
    • Still countries/religions that practice coverture in an extreme (the woman has no rights)
    • The woman takes the man's last name
    • Woman is expected to move in with the man and join his household
    • Husband's name comes first (Mr. and Mrs. _____________)
    • Child takes the last name of the father
    • Father of the bride gives away the daughter to the husband
    • Father/Husband is the head of the household
    • "Marital rape exception"
    • Wedding vows "to honor and obey"
    • "White dress" -- You should be pure
    • The phrase "rule of thumb"
Sorry my notes are lackluster today. I'm having a bad one.