Monday, October 11, 2010

My Coming Out Story

I came out to my parents today. These were the reactions.
My father:
  • Me: I’m bisexual.
  • Daddy: (after a large bout of laughter) You think this is a surprise?
  • Me: I guess not. Let me tell mom.
  • Daddy: You’re going to kill your mother.
And then I was passed on to my mother. Let me just tell you that it was so much harder for my mother than it was for my dad. I asked how her day was and if she was sitting down, and then I just told her. And her first reaction was “What prompted this?” And then she asked “Do you think God is happy or sad with your choice? Or do you think he doesn’t care?” So I told her that I don’t think it’s a choice. And we basically just had a really awkward conversation where she asked if I was going to be a whore and she got mad at me because I didn’t want to have a humongous conversation out of it. She said I was being unproductive and “calling to drop a shock bomb and leave.” I just…I don’t even know.
But my dad. I love him. My mother will come around. I hope.

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