Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Same-Sex Marriage


  1. Give a basic history of marriage equality
  2. Discuss the arguments to/for marriage equality in MA, NY, WA, MD, NY, CA cases (as mentioned in Cox "A painful process...")
1993: Baehr v. Lewin -- HI marriage ase
1996: Defens of Marriage Act (DOMA) to stop the "tsunami of gay marriage coming over from HI" (Clinton signed into law)
1998: Baehr v. Miike (state loses at trial level)
1998: HI amends constitution to "give power to the legislature to regulate marriage"
1999: Baker v. State (Vermont supreme court rules all rights and benefits of marriage)
2000: VT becomes the first state to enact civil unions
2000: CA passes Proposition 22 (62% - 38%)
2003: Massachusetts, Goodridge decided 4-3 that the state doesn't even have a rational basis for denying marriage licenses to same-sex couples
2/12/2004: Mayor of San Francisco starts issuing marriage licenses for about 4 weeks (until CA supreme court tells them to stop)
2005: NJ case Lewis v. Harris (no marriage, but state must offer equal benefits to same-sex couples)
2005: Schwarzenegger vetoes marriage equality law, claiming that "the people have spoken" that they didn't want gay marriage
2005: CA comprehensive Domestic Partnership law goes into effect
2005: CT enacts civil unions
2006: NY case Hernandez v. Robles
2006: WA Andersen v. Icing County (this and previous: 4-3, upholding traditional marriage laws)
2006: MD Conaway v. Deane (same as previous, but maybe decision was 5-2
2008: CA in Remarriage cases (4-3, strikes down marriage laws) and CT Kerrigan v. Department of Public Health claims that civil unions aren't enough (4-3, marriage licenses to same-sex couples [immediately])
2008: Proposition 8 passes...
2009: Iowa varnum v. brien 7-0 in favor of marriage equality issues marriage licenses immediately
2009: VT, ME, NH, DC pass laws enacting marriage equality
2010: US district court rules Prop 8 violates the US Constitution, but it's still in effect kind of?

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