Before we begin, I'd like to say that today would be my and my ex's third anniversary. Forgive me if notes are a little lackluster today.
1. Understand intersectionality (and distinguish from hybridity)
2. Basic HTML tags (for prettier blog posts)
Notes: Monday, 9.27 class -- meet in basement of library for mandatory research.
- Paper #1 is due 10.1 (which is a Friday) -- shared with Buckmire via Google Docs
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HTML (hypertext mark-up language) tags:
- A programming language that tells another program how to present something
- Glues commands to browsers on how to display pages
- "the language of all web pages"
- vs. WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get)
- HTML command is called a tag
- i.e. < >No homo</ > (and you insert the letter you want)
- B = bold
- i = italics
- u = underlined
- Anchor tags:
- <a href = "website here"> This article </a>
Intersectionality to the Rescue:
- Intersectionality (clicking the word will link to the Wikipedia article on intersectionality)
- Willful Blindness -- blindness to one's own privilege - looking only at one's disadvantages
- Denial of another's oppression and/or your own privilege
- Leapfrog Paranoia -- the fear that a formerly oppressed group will be "left behind" by progress made by a currently oppressed group which "jump ahead in the oppression line"
- Fear that if you acknowledge another's oppression, your status is reduced/superseded by that groups
- Movement Backlash -- taking the advances of a movement toward equality and redefining the hegemonic group/practice as a "victim" (e.g. reverse discrimination, or "marriage is under attack").
- Hegemon portrays itself as the victim or subaltern in response to advances by the oppressed
- Compassion Deficit Disorder -- knowing but just not caring enough to do something about (or not caring at all) the ongoing struggles of marginalized groups
- Defiant Ignorance: Refusing to acknowledge or learn about another's oppression
- Panopticon -- the all-seeing eye
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Good things come in 5, apparently:
- Categorical Intersection
- Categorical Multiplicity -- More categories leads to more multi-dimensional analysis
- Time Dynamics -- Taking note of the impact of time on specific oppression
- Diversity Within -- The existence of groups within groups
- Individual Institutional Interaction
- Content Intersectionality -- Existence at crossroads of multiple identities simultaneously
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